Friday, February 4, 2011

Still Chunking

OK now to continue chunking down my goals, in order to lose the next 21.4 kilo or 670 grams per week there are things I must continue doing and there are things I must commence doing.

I am sorely lacking in imagination at the moment so I am going to copy and paste from Dory's blog and go through those steps, Zoe is pretty clued into what is needed.

Steps to take to lose 670 grams a week
  1. Drink at least 2 L of water
  2. Increase veggie/fruit intake
  3. Walk more then 30 mins per day
  4. Use the gym 3x a week for cardio
  5. Do weights 2x per week
  6. Cut down sugars and fats
  7. Daily food diary to stay accountable
  8. Park the car further from the shop door at the opposite end from the shop we need
  9. find the hilly way to walk... if that's an option
  10. play more games with the kids eg. tiggy, trampoline, bike riding, wii boxing
Increase my water intake, I don't drink enough water, I have a litre water bottle I keep beside my bed and make sure I drink a full one before bed, not only is it good fluid, I read somewhere that holding on for as long as possible helps the pelvic floor muscles, and I don't get up during the night for widdles.

I also need to increase my veggie intake, I eat salads, lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, olives a lot, with the crazy prices of broccoli and cauliflower I buy them frozen and will cook up a bag with each meal, usually though by the time I have dished up everyone else's meal there isn't a lot left over for me.

My exercise is cruising along, I walk/run every morning for about 40 minutes, I cover a distance of about 3.5 klms. I would like to bump that up to an hour which would at a guess be about 5klms I was walking. So to do this I simply need to reassess which walking tracks I am taking. I live on 120acres of mostly bush with lots of walking tracks everywhere, so as of tomorrow I will take a left turn instead of a right and see where that takes me. Once I have accomplished the new path I will take another right where I would normally take a left.

Gym sessions: yeah I'm slack, there is a complete home gym set up on the back deck, and I use it probably once a week. So from now on I will use the gym Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Sugar and fats, I don't eat sugar so that's one thing I don't have to worry about hehe. As for the fats, I am happy with how that is going.

Daily food diary, Yep I keep one, my issue is not over eating more so not consuming enough calories, so I keep track of what I have eaten mainly to stress myself out because I am usually about 600 cals down on my daily intake. I use the Calorie King food diary but find it a pain in the ass accessing it on my phone so I have an iphone app called shape up that works in KJs which I use most of the time. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing because I am not only 600 cals down but way over 1000kjs which makes it look worse.

Parking further away from the shop doors, Check! I usually park over the far side to get away from all the idiots that can't park and keep hitting my car, I have a newish car now and don't need people banging their doors open on it hence parking way over yonder.

Walk more hills, the hill I start up after dropping my daughter at the school bus in the morning has a 45deg incline and it's all hills from there in

Play more games with the kids, we walked down to one of the water holes on the property today for a swim, it was nice, I do need to spend more time mucking around with them, I would like a wii, I think that would be fun, that might become one of my goals I think, " buy a wii' Anyway getting the look...signing off for now

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Chunking My Goals

This is the blog the girls in our Just Keep Swimming group and I are working on.
Today I am to chunk down my goals into smaller steps.

My goals copied from my previous post
Health and fitness

to get down to 65kilos,
the PCOS symptoms to go away and never come back,
to be able to outrun my dog ;)
to look good in my wedding dress

My 1/2 way mark chunk

I have allowed myself until September 2011 to get down to 65 kilo, as of this morning's weigh in I am 86.4 so I have 21.4 kilo to lose in 221 days. Divided down this is a loss of ...

10.7 kg in 110days

or 5.35kilo in  55 days

2.7 kilo in 27 days

or 1.35  in 14 days

or lastly 671grams in 7 days pffft how hard does it sound now! lol

As for the other goals, they will come about as the weight goes, I am still low carbing which is really helping with the PCOS symptoms, this is obviously a long term / lifestyle change that I have made, so I guess I could interpret that goal into something like "Find new Low Carb recipes because the few that I have are getting boring"
But for now I am tired, it's been so hot here the last couple of days, the brood have gone to bed, and I think it's nitey nite time for me too. Will continue this tomorrow.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Setting Goals

My homework this weekend is to write down my goals and aspirations.
I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up so goal setting has always been a challenge.
I want to ...
to get down to 65kilos,
the PCOS symptoms to go away and never come back,
to be able to outrun my dog ;)
to look good in my wedding dress.
to buy a house
to find a job
I want that job to be one that fits me, a job that I feel is mine, was meant for me.
to become financially independent
to declutter the house, I would love to live showroom style with a few personal touches to make it feel like home
I want chooks
I want veggie gardens
I want to foster dogs
to be more content with who I am, it's a hard one this one, because my discontent with who I am is pushing me to enrol in learning again this year, it is pushing me to lose another 20 odd kilos and so it goes, so I can't be content with who I am until I am who I want to be.

Now to sort those goals into categories

for the purpose of homework I will stick to those goals that are JKS goals

Health and fitness

to get down to 65kilos,
the PCOS symptoms to go away and never come back,
to be able to outrun my dog ;)
to look good in my wedding dress.

Now to elaborate

I was 63 kilo when I found out I was having my first baby, I can see myself at 65kg, this would put me in size 10 jeans and 12 tops.
My PCOS symptoms include annoying little pimples on my chest, lethargy, irritability, excess weight, lack of period, my menses have come back since I stopped eating sugar and the pimples have gone so I know I am on the right track
My dog being Chomp, an American Bulldog, I want him to be at his peak physical state and to do that I need to exercise him. He loves his walkies and I would like to be able to run with him.
Wedding date is looming, I still have 10 months to go, I have yet to chose my dress but it will be a size 10 or 12, who wants a fat bride lol

Stay tuned for part two...............

Still going strong

It's been a while since I last posted, I have shed 6 kilo since October, so not a shabby effort, I essentially stopped my diet tracking over the Christmas break, I knew I was going to go off the rails and figured if I keep filling in my food diary that I would just get the guilts and it would all fall apart, I kept up the exercise and for the most part ate healthy foods, but I allowed myself a slice or 3 of Pav over Christmas and the Rum Balls I made were just divine, there were other nasties that crept in, and I spent a week at my parents house, just the thought of going there adds a kilo, I caught up with my brothers and sisters that I haven't seen in ages and a couple of boozy nights followed, it was a great time. And best of all, I am back on the wagon and not at all feeling like I have failed.