Sunday, October 31, 2010

Kids in the Kitchen

The primary school my children go to run a Kids in the Kitchen program, it is a spin off of the 2 fruit and 5 veg healthy foods campaign and is a great government initiative in my opinion. When I was given the opportunity to be coordinator I must admit I was quite excited. I like the idea of getting kids busy in the kitchen, I know how tempting it is to tell them to scoot while I am cooking, because it is easier doing things on my own, so this gives the kids an opportunity to get involved and enjoy the end result. One boy in the year 1 class the other week was such an eager helper and while I could understand where his enthusiasm stemmed from, my daughter has ADHD and does the same thing, it was hard not to dampen his spirits by not letting him do everything, he said to me while we were cleaning up that he always gets in trouble for helping, which is really sad, I can totally understand why, having my own little energiser bunny, but it made me think more about my little squirrel and how keen she is to help and I have resolved to include her more and bite my tongue and not get so frustrated with her when she spills the milk and gets flour all over the floor.

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